Misty Islands
From MM6 Wiki
Mist was originally intended to be a customs and trading port for dealings with the Eastern islands and countries. Piracy has severely cut into that trade, so we're not as prosperous as we should be.

Map markers
- Kathleen Mester [Unlock Teleporter]
- Initiate Guild of Fire
- Initiate Guild of Water
- Initiate Guild of Air
- Norio Ariganaka [Master Meditation (Rank 7, Personality 30, 2500 gold)
- Harper Collins [Master Water Magic (Rank 12, 4000 gold)] [Water Guild Membership (50 gold)]
- Caao Salem [Master Air Magic (Arch Mage, 4000 gold)] [Air Guild Membership (50 gold)]
- Jezebel [Master Fire Magic (Rank 12, 4000 gold)] [Fire Guild Membership (50 gold)]
- Bank
- General Store (Lock, Stock, and Barrel)
- Alchemist Store (Witch's Brew)
- Town Hall [quest] [Bounty Hunt]
- Temple
- Training Hall
- Weapon Store (Arm's Length Spear Shop)
- Armor Store (Armor Emporium)
- Fountain (+10 SP)
- Inn
- Well (+20 Luck temporary)
- Calvin Black [Expert Staff] (Rank 4, 2000 gold)
- Gonzalo Ramirez [Expert Spear (Rank 4, 2000 gold)] [Duelist's Edge Membership (50 gold)]
- Bernard Jacobs [Expert Repair (Rank 4, 500 gold)]
- Arthur O'Leery [Expert Leather (Rank 4, 1000 gold)] [Buccaneers' Lair Membership (25 gold)]
- Buccaneers' Lair
- Duelists' Edge
- Docks
- Fountain (+10 Intellect and Personality temporary)
- Fountain (+5 Elemental resistance temporary)
- Lord Albert Newton [quest] [quest] [quest]
- Shrine of Intellect (February)
- Silver Helm Outpost
- Dragon Tower
- Teleporter to '33'
- Teleporter destination
- Obelisk #14
- Teleporter to '36'
- Teleporter destination
- Boat
- Castle Ironfist (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2 days, 250gp)
- Silver Cove* (Monday, Thursday, 3 days, 250gp)
- Bootleg Bay East (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 2 days, 250gp)
Silver Helm Outpost
The Silver Helms have been attacking everyone they see as less than 100% behind their fight against evil. I don't know about you, but I think such an extreme position can't be a good thing what's Sir John Silver thinking?

Map markers
- Switch for stairs
- Melody Silver for quest
- Chest with 'Enemies List' for quest
- Switch to open secret room
- Chest with 'Key to Gharik's Laboratory'