
Sweet Water

From MM6 Wiki

Revision as of 22:07, 7 April 2019 by AlpacaNox (talk | contribs)

"Although the ruins of the buildings are still there, the town is completely destroyed. No one lives there anymore."

"The forest of Blackwoode has been wiped out completely since the night of Shooting Stars."

"Sweet Water used to be the most beautiful town in the kingdom, but no news has come from it since the Night of Shooting Stars. I think the shooting star landed right on top of the town, leaving no survivors to tell the tale."



  1. Fountain (+50 to all 7 stats temporary)
  2. Obelisk #1
  3. Pedestal (Tiger Statuette) for quest
  4. The Hive




The Hive

"The devils seem to swarm around a strange building near the remains of Sweet Water."


  1. Chest with 'Hive Sanctum Key'
  2. Step on floor to open gate '3' | Switch to open gate '3'
  3. Gate, open from '2'
  4. Door, requires 'Hive Sanctum Key'
  5. Reactor
  6. Demon Queen
  7. Exit
  8. Opens door for '9'
  9. Opens door for '10'
  10. Room
  11. Keg, heal 20 hitpoints per use
  12. Switch, teleport back to entrance
  13. Switch, disables flushing system?


Skip: You can fall through the closed gate '3' by positioning yourself correctly
