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Hand Axe

More of a tool than a weapon, this simple axe will work in a pinch. But don't expect much.
Battle Axe

Made as a weapon of war instead of a tool, the battle axe is usually employed by barbarians and undisciplined armies.
War Axe

This War Axe appears to be one of a large shipment of such axes seized by Roland during the Succession War. It was manufactured in Karigor by order of Archibald Ironfist to be used against his brother in their struggle for the throne of Enroth.
Dwarven Axe

An example of the high quality work done by the dwarves of the Red Mountains, the blade is sharp and the balance perfect.
Supreme Axe

This weapon surely has a dark history. An axe of this quality is only forged as the personal weapon of a noble Dwarf, and it is never sold or traded away.

More a magical curiosity than a truly useful weapon, Cronos increases the wielder's vitality fantastically, and decreases his luck by half as much.
Quest item
Two-Handed Axes 

This style of long hafted axe is typically used to deadly effect by Eastern tribes and the elite guard of some members of the nobility.
Heavy Poleax

A stronger version of the basic Poleax, this weapon is frequently used by city guards and other fighters who don't expect to do battle in large, coordinated groups (like armies).
Grand Poleax

The blade head of this weapon was obviously created with the aid of magic. It is both unusually sharp and light at the same time.